- ObjectMap - Interface in com.emphysic.myriad.core.data.util
ObjectMap - Kryo serialization of an instance's object graph.
- OCLConvolutionOperation - Class in com.emphysic.myriad.core.experimental.aparapi
OCLConvolutionOperation - performs ConvolutionOperation on OpenCL devices.
- OCLConvolutionOperation() - Constructor for class com.emphysic.myriad.core.experimental.aparapi.OCLConvolutionOperation
- OCLConvolutionOperation(double[][]) - Constructor for class com.emphysic.myriad.core.experimental.aparapi.OCLConvolutionOperation
- OCLConvolutionOperation(Dataset) - Constructor for class com.emphysic.myriad.core.experimental.aparapi.OCLConvolutionOperation
- OnlineStats - Class in com.emphysic.myriad.core.data.ops.math
OnlineStats - approximations for incremental mean and standard deviation for large / streaming data.
- OnlineStats() - Constructor for class com.emphysic.myriad.core.data.ops.math.OnlineStats
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.DataIngestorActor
Handled Messages:
FileMessage - attempts to read a Dataset from the message's payload, sends a DatasetMessage response back to
the sender.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.DataIngestorPool
Handled Messages
FileMessage - sends to pool for reading
DatasetMessage - sends to the next link
ActorRef - sets the next link
ShutdownMessage - initiates shutdown
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.DatasetActor
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - performs the DatasetOperation on the message payload, sends DatasetMessage with result back
to sender.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.DatasetOperationPool
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - if received from worker pool, sent to the next link.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.PyramidActor
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - while the current step is not null, perform the pyramid operation and send the result back to
the sender as a DatasetMessage
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.PyramidActorPool
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - if received from worker pool, sends results to next link in the chain.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.ReporterActor
Handled Messages
ROIMessage - examines the message and logs the result.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.ReporterActorPool
Handled Messages
ROIMessage - if from worker pool, adds to ROI.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.ROIActor
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - sends message payload to ROI detector, creates new ROIMessage from result and sends back to
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.ROIFinderPool
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - sends to router for ROI detection
ROIMessage - sends to next link in the processing chain
ActorRef - sets next link in the processing chain
ShutdownMessage - initiates shutdown
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.SlidingWindowActor
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - starts sliding window.
- onReceive(Object) - Method in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.SlidingWindowPool
Handled Messages
DatasetMessage - sends the message to the worker pool for processing
ActorRef - sets the next link in the processing chain for the worker pool
ShutdownMessage - initiates shutdown
- op - Variable in class com.emphysic.myriad.network.DatasetActor
Operation to perform
- origin - Variable in class com.emphysic.myriad.core.data.roi.ROI
A list of coordinates for the ROI, used to define a "bounding box" that describes the position of the ROI.
- Otsu1dOperation - Class in com.emphysic.myriad.core.data.ops
Otsu's global thresholding algorithm (1D).
- Otsu1dOperation() - Constructor for class com.emphysic.myriad.core.data.ops.Otsu1dOperation